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New installation of ballast water treatment system for Cernaval Group Shipyards

During the past month of June, part of the SYM Naval team travelled to the Cernaval shipyard in Campamento for the installation of a ballast water treatment system (BWTS) on the Prins Alexander gas tanker, owned by Anthony Veder, one of the most important shipping companies in the world.

Installation of the ballast water system on the vessel

The ballast water system installed on the Prins Alexander vessel corresponds to the Alfa Laval Pure Ballast 3.2 Compact Flex model, for which SYM Naval has successfully completed, on behalf of Cernaval, the prefabrication work on pipes in SYM Naval‘s own facilities to later proceed to the installation on board the ship including electrical and pneumatic installation of the system.

SYM Naval, experts in the design and installation of ballast water treatment systems

The treatment of ship ballast waters is an essential process to avoid biological contamination, a serious threat to the environment and also to the economy of each area in particular.

Since we do not represent any particular manufacturer or technology, at SYM Naval we develop an adaptable process for each project of installation of the ballast water system required by the client, from 3D scanning and modeling for the feasibility study to installation in site of the system with turnkey projects.

For more information about the installation of ballast water treatment systems or any other query regarding the services of ship building, ship conversion or ship repair, you can contact SYM Naval through our contact form.

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