Harbour Tug, versatile tugboats for port use

The Harbour Tugs are tugboats specifically made for their use in port operations. This is a versatile design available in different options of sizes and engines that fulfill the requirements in towing…
Water bags: the safest load testing technique

SYM Naval’s service of load testing using water bags is a fast and safe way to gradually test loads of up to 120 t. Its structure is ideal for testing loads…
A compact Oil Tanker with a high load capacity

The Oil Tanker TM-083-023, with a load capacity for products with a flash point of less than 60º, is a ship that has been specially designed for collecting MARPOL I, IV, V and VI waste…
Our Most Recent Launch

On Friday, September 14th 2018, we launched an Oil Tanker TM-083-023 with a load capacity for MARPOL products with a flash point of less than 60º…