The Castalia Boat – A pioneering electric boat in sustainability

At the intersection of technical innovation and sustainability, the Castalia electric boat, owned by the Consulmar Group and built by SYM Naval, marks a milestone in the boat industry. It is a 100% electric working boat designed to minimize environmental impact and maximize operational efficiency. In this article, we explore the key features of the […]
First autonomous vessels already sailing in Japan

The naval sector continues to make progress in overcoming the challenges it faces in the 21st century. And two of the most important are the reduction of the accident rate…
The roadmap for the development of offshore wind and sea energies offers big opportunities for the naval sector

At the proposal of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, on December 10 the Spanish Council of Ministers approved the Roadmap for the Development of Offshore…
A Royal Decree grants aids of 20 million euros for R&D&I in the naval sector

The Spanish Council of Ministers approved last December 7 the new Royal Decree 1071/2021 that regulates the direct granting of aid for research, development…