What is a dry dock and how does it work?

A dry dock is one of the biggest challenges in civil engineering. And not only that, but also all the auxiliary elements that compose it make dry docks a highly complex structure. From SYM Naval we want to approach…
The 7 most important commercial ports in the Mediterranean

Commercial ports are key infrastructures for the development of a territory. These represent a door to the world for the reception and shipment (import and export) of a wide variety of merchandise…
Feasibility study

Sym-naval, in its commitment to innovation and decarbonization, has participated, along with three other partners in a consortium, in the following Preliminary Feasibility Study, included within the Perte Naval: LEADING PROJECT: PNA-010000-2023-4 TECNAVAL 2025: INTEGRATED PROJECT OF THE NAVAL INDUSTRIAL SECTOR TO ACHIEVE DIVERSIFICATION, DIGITALIZATION, AND SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH TECHNOLOGY Primary project title: PRELIMINARY […]
Contract signing for the construction of a multipurpose vessel to operate in New Caledonia

Last Tuesday, August 23rd, SYM NAVAL officially signed a new contract with the company Société Minière Georges Montagnat for the construction of a multipurpose port support vessel.
The first call of the Naval PERTE is launched with 30 million euros available

The first action of the PERTE Naval is already underway. The call for the mission “Promoting application technologies in the naval sector that improve its competitiveness in the 21st century” managed by…
First autonomous vessels already sailing in Japan

The naval sector continues to make progress in overcoming the challenges it faces in the 21st century. And two of the most important are the reduction of the accident rate…
The roadmap for the development of offshore wind and sea energies offers big opportunities for the naval sector

At the proposal of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, on December 10 the Spanish Council of Ministers approved the Roadmap for the Development of Offshore…
A Royal Decree grants aids of 20 million euros for R&D&I in the naval sector

The Spanish Council of Ministers approved last December 7 the new Royal Decree 1071/2021 that regulates the direct granting of aid for research, development…
Cleaning of ballast water tanks and general tank cleaning

SYM NAVAL, as a shipyard specialized in shipbuilding and also as a provider of ship repair and conversion services, waterbag cargo testing and expert installer of ballast water treatment systems…
Scrubber installations, repowering interventions and ballast water treatments led ship transformation works in 2020

New environmental requirements, such as the Ballast Water Management Convention or IMO 2020, were the main drivers of the demand for ship transformation during 2020. However, the COVID-19 crisis…