Docks the Future: towards the port of 2030
The Port of Malaga has just joined the ports of Barcelona, Gijón and the Valenciaport Foundation at Docks the Future: the European network of excellence that aims to advance towards the ports of the future developing a sustainable activity through innovation. Docks the Future brings together the 20 most innovative port areas with the greatest interest in contributing to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN.
This network of excellence, which aims to define the port vision for 2030, focuses on key aspects such as energy efficiency, the use of alternative fuels, sustainable and resilient transport, emerging technologies and digitalization throughout the logistic chain, cybersecurity, innovative financing tools, multimodal transport, the port-city relationship and the circular economy.
For the Port of Malaga and the other member ports, belonging to this working group is an opportunity to learn about the international financing programs established by the Green Deal of the European Union, among other initiatives focused on different areas of the sector.
In addition to the aforementioned Spanish ports, the other port authorities that have joined Docks the Future are: Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, Bulgarian Port Infrastructure Company, IMDO Irish Ports, Central-North Maritime Ports System Authority del Tirreno (Ports of Civitavecchia – Fiumicino – Gaeta), La and Porto de Aveiro.
Smart, ecological and integrated ports
Docks the Future has a proactive role in the development of ideas and initiatives that promote the overcoming of the challenges corresponding to the industry of today and of the nearest tomorrow, enriching the dialogue with other organizations: European technology platforms, international associations and maritime clusters.
The EU’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) selected, under the Horizon 2020 programme, the DocksTheFuture project within the ‘Smart, green and integrated transport’ challenge, which includes areas such as aviation, infrastructure, green vehicles and ‘Blue Growth.’
The project, with a budget of 1.2 million euros and a duration of 30 months, began in January 2018, led by Circle SpA (Italy). It has also been joined by academic partners such as the University of Genoa and consulting firms: Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik – ISL (Bremen, Germany), Magellan (Portugal) and PortExpertise (Belgium).
The project so far has focused on the research necessary to implement new port concepts, new management models, innovative design, engineering, construction and operation technology solutions to reach full customer satisfaction in future ports. The objective is to detail the concepts, themes and objectives to establish the “Port of the Future Road Map for 2030”.