PERTE Naval: the sector is committed to digitalization, training and green transition
Update (April 21, 2022)
Last March, the Council of Ministers approved the expected PERTE for the shipbuilding industry, whose main challenge is to diversify the sector towards new products, its digitalization, the improvement of its environmental sustainability and the training of its employees. The aim is to implement a series of measures to maintain competitiveness in the medium and long term in a strongly globalized and changing market.
To meet these objectives, a total investment of 1,460 million euros is planned, with a public contribution of 310 million euros and 1,150 million euros of private investment.
It is estimated that this PERTE will contribute to the modernization of the sector, increasing its competitiveness by around 15% and an annual growth rate of 9% will be achieved for the sector. On the labor front, it is expected to contribute to the creation of 3,100 quality jobs, mainly in peripheral regions.
(Original content of the article)
The Ministry of Industry prepares the implementation of a next PERTE of the naval sector. This was revealed last June by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, in the framework of the General Shareholders Meeting of Pymar.
PERTE stands for Proyecto Estratégico para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica (Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation). Its implementation is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed with European funds from the Next Generation EU instrument.
Its general objective is to strengthen projects that contribute to boosting the Spanish economy through public-private collaboration. In the specific case of the naval sector, the objective will be the transformation of the sector’s value chain. To this end, it will be based on the axes of digitalization, training, ecological transition and diversification of the activity, taking advantage of the growing opportunities offered by offshore wind and new renewable energies.
Spain leads the European recovery of the sector
The shipbuilding industry directly contributes €3.8 billion to the Spanish economy, generates an impact of more than €9.2 billion and employs more than 70,000 people across the country.
Despite the impact of the pandemic, in 2020 the sector proved its resilience and became the first power in the EU in offshore vessel contracting, as well as the world leader in vessels of the same type for the offshore wind energy segment, with a 35% market share.
The SYM Naval shipyard is fully aligned on the path of digitalization, training and the ecological transition of the naval sector pursued by this PERTE, as the pillars on which the shipyard’s R&D&I strategy is based are: process optimization, the launch of disruptive products and the creation of an innovation ecosystem.